My Hummy · 15 November 2021
My Hummy by Bettina Dutzler, MSc.
Bettina Dutzler has put the My Hummy to the test: Again and again I hear from parents and read in various Facebook groups: "You need the My Hummy! Your child sleeps great with it, mine sleeps THROUGH the night since we got it" and other similar comments. But is that really true? I'm always sceptical about miracle cures. Especially when it comes to baby sleep. What's the truth about this Hummy, does it pay off? So I bought a second-hand My Hummy and here's what I make of it.
This blog post by Anna Bogner-Gombotz is intended to encourage you to follow your own path when it comes to night weaning. In this article, she shares her expertise in breastfeeding and sleep coaching and her experiences with her own two children.