Our Philosophy
- A child's need to be with their primary attachment person (usually the person who does most of the care work) is as strong as their need for food or sleep
- Sleep and relationship cannot be considered separately; they influence each other.
- Everyone in the child's immediate family should spend a lot of time together from birth. This creates an intimate relationship that has a positive effect on the child's sleep behaviour.
- The relationship between the child and the second parent (if present) is extremely important for the family, it should be given appropriate consideration within the coaching.
- It's very important to us to respond to the child's feelings, which includes never leaving a child alone, leaving a child to cry, or not taking a child's feelings seriously.
- The topics of family, sleep, bonding and needs-orientation are very close to our hearts.
- We reject sleep training because we believe it has a negative impact on child development. This also includes weaning off (or conditioning) children's needs.
- Every family has the right to coaching, even if they don't have the financial means for it. Families can receive financial support through the association.
Our Coaching Guidelines
- Our coaching sessions are held by experienced parents.
- Respect, mindfulness, trust and openness are important to us in our interactions.
- We value trusting families and place their wishes and needs at the core of our coaching. Freedom of choice and responsibility are consciously in the hands of the family, so they can find the
best way forward for themselves, a choice which we respect and honour.
- The parent-child relationship should be strengthened and never weakened.
- We don't give strict advice, but pass on information as a basis for making one's own decisions. We always show several possible paths.
- Practical and emotional support are part of our work, as is longer-term care through personal contact and parent-child groups.
- We prefer one-on-one conversations in personal contact or via video call, in order to respond to the family's situation as individually as possible. Short, general advice in online groups,
prefabricated videos instead of coaching etc. don't fit to our core values.
- Our information is based on scientific studies and research results - whatever we present we can also prove scientifically (with the exception: "from my own experience...").
- We pass on our personal experience and knowledge which we've gained during our certified course to become a Certified Holistic Baby and Child Sleep Coach.
Code of Conduct within the Association
- We are stronger together. This is the only way we can offer families a broad network of support.
- The way we treat families is the way we treat each other within the association, that is, with respect, consideration, confidentiality and kindness.
- Interpersonal relationships are the heart of our approach. Of course, we also live this in our interactions with each other.
- We network and maintain personal contact by organising and participating in regular gatherings.
- Networking with other professionals is a vital part of our work.
- The association relies on the participation and involvement of as many of our sleep coaches as possible.
- We cooperate with each other. We're not in competition with each other.
- We regularly take part in continuing or further education and try to stay up to date with the latest research.
- For the titles "Certified Holistic Baby and Child Sleep Coach" and " Certified Specialist Holistic Baby and Child Sleep Coach", recertification is required every 5 years with 20 hours of
advanced courses. These can be attended at the association or with external providers with a similar philosophy.
- If we get stuck or don't know how to proceed within a coaching session, it shows professionalism to get advice and support from the group, then return to the family with new options.
- All internal information is kept confidential and is not shared with third parties. This includes course material.
- All data collected within the framework of coaching is treated with confidentiality in accordance with GDPR.